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Style Resolutions for 2023

Personal Stylist

I have been wanting to write this blog post for a few weeks and haven't had the head space to sit down and really think about what my Style Resolutions are for this year. Last year my advice for my Personal Styling clients and resolutions for myself, very much centered around being more mindful and conscious with my purchases.

That theme definitely continues into 2023 for me and will be what I am focusing on with my clients too, it feels like big changes are happening in the fashion industry and general consciousness. But the theme which keeps coming up in conversations with every woman I speak to, is showing up authentically and reconnecting with yourself. Not having to aspire to be anyone you're not, reconnecting with what makes you uniquely you! Getting rid of the pressure to be a certain size, to keep up with the trends and look a certain way, and replacing that with your own unique sense of style and your individual shape and size.

Don't wait on your weight to live the life you want

I'm excited to be collaborating with other women in business this year on some amazing projects which will help to support women on every aspect of this journey. My mission this year as a Personal Stylist is to help empower as many women as possible to feel empowered in your own skin, and be authentically you. It's been a difficult few years for everyone and this year definitely feels like the time to focus on and invest more in yourself, and in doing so, show up as the best version of you for everyone else in your life.

So my Style Resolutions for me and my clients for 2023 are:

  1. Learn to love and accept all of who you are, feel empowered in your own skin, by seeing the beauty in being unique.

  2. Save time, money and energy by focusing on a capsule wardrobe suited to all your lifestyle needs.

  3. Eradicate over consumption and buying into trends that simply don’t work for you, (saving £6-£10K a year according to research from my clients).

  4. Fall back in love with the joy of style and dress for yourself, get the confidence you’ve been craving for years.

  5. Get a wardrobe that feels like your own VIP Boutique with endless statement outfits, pulled together with ease.

  6. Breakthrough the fear of judgement and own your style unapologetically.

  7. Learn to shop with a more conscious mindset taking into consideration people and planet, second hand first always and if not, sustainable brands and investment pieces

  8. Buy Less, Choose Well, Make it Last, be more Vivienne!

If this sounds like what you are looking to achieve for yourself but you don't know where to start, I'd love to chat. You can do this by booking in a free Style Consultation with me here to find out more about my 121 program. I'm also excited to be offering a new Group Styling Program launching in March, so if you'd like to share this journey with other women supporting you along the way, you can get your name on the wait list here.

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